Thursday, 28 August 2014

Necrons - Full army shots

Well, here they are. While they're not my best work and far from my favourite army I have to say they look pretty nice all laid out together. Sorry for the less than great photos, I was in a bit of a rush when I took these so some are kind of crappy. If you click through the "necron" tag you can probably find better photos of individual miniatures and units.

As I mentioned in past posts, I'm getting rid of these guys. I have too many armies and the desire to play and paint more with the Necrons isn't so strong, so I hope they can find a better home. My friend will be selling them for me, and he's in the States (rather than here in Japan with me) so shipping will be from America. If you're interested contact him here.

The whole army. Click for big, and a few more pics after the jump...

Monday, 25 August 2014

Unit finished - Necron Wraiths

Here's my unit of 5, both with and without the obligatory Destroyer Lord.
Why only 5? Well, number 6 went missing somewhere in my bitz box before I could build him. Maybe he'll resurface one day.
They just want to be friends. Whipcoils and Mindshackle scarabs for everyone!

Friday, 22 August 2014

Necron Annihilation Barges - unmanned conversion

"Converting" these guys was much simpler. Just leave the pilots off.

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Necron Nightscythe - unmanned conversion

Continuing my quest to finish off my Necrons so they can go off to a better home comes the Nightscythe.
There are elements of the Necron aesthetic that I like and elements I don't. One thing I'm not a fan of is piloted vehicles. For me it's much more sinister to use huge soulless drones, so I made sure all of my vehicles had no visible pilots. It's been a while, but I'm pretty sure this was a pretty basic conversion using only the bits in the box. It's possibly the pilot's chair flipped upside down, or something like that.

Friday, 15 August 2014

Battle Report: Bu'Kuro Sept Tau vs Yme Loc Eldar

I rolled some dice today and also took some (poor quality) pictures. 2 (mostly) painted armies fighting it out over (mostly) painted terrain. That's what this game is all about!

We played 1750 using the Maelstrom mission cards. I really enjoy using that mission type. Very fun and dynamic and really changes the flow of 40k. I won't bother typing out army lists because this isn't really very in depth but I can if anyone is interested.

Broadsides survey the Eldar flank.

Longstrike takes a pot shot at the distant Wave Serpent but the Eldar shields prove effective

Friday, 8 August 2014

Necron Triarch Stalker

I haven't touched my Necrons in ages, so I decided it might be time to send them off to a better home.
As such I'm painting up the last few minis for the army so I can hopefully sell them as a painted lot.

Is that a heat ray slung underneath your terrifying metallic thorax or are you just pleased to see me?
Nothing special but looks good on the tabletop I hope. It's good to be painting something purple again though!

Anyway, here's the Triarch Stalker. As with all my vehicles it's been converted to get rid of the pilot. I like to imagine Necron vehicles are like drones or AIs or something.